AllBright Member Spotlight

When our founder, Margaret Sherer, started to look for a community that helps support entrepreneurs as well as a location that could host meetings locally in London, she looked no further than the AllBright. Born of the Madeleine Albright quote that, ‘There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.’ the club believes that Sisterhood works.

The AllBright brings professional women from across the Greater London area together in either of it’s two clubs in London to be able to work, network and socialise. A community based approach that gives it’s members an opportunity to share their insights, learn from each other and conveniently host guests and meetings. It has been an invaluable source of learning and networking.

Margaret was recently featured in the club’s Member Spotlight section and are delighted to share that link here. Read on to understand her view of how to approach business and how Cittadina Marketing helps our clients save time through strategic, integrated digital marketing, all in one agency. Margaret also shares who inspires her as well as how she views and nurtures the Sisterhood in her own life.

I truly believe in the saying “it takes a village”.  I know my successes have been made possible not just by my own determination but also by my community, who have supported, helped, guided, suggested or simply listened to me talk an idea out. The path to achieving your own goals is made much smoother as part of a community who help each other rise up. Previous generations had to put in an extraordinary amount of hard work to enable the opportunities that women in my generation have. Why wouldn’t you want to pay that forward and make it easier for someone else to achieve their dreams?

- Margaret Sherer, Founder Cittadina Marketing

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Interested in featuring Margaret in your periodical or conference? Get in touch!