Cittadina’s year in digital marketing - 2019

2019 was an incredible year for Cittadina Marketing. The largest trend we saw from our clients was the establishment of new forms of communication. Whether building messaging for a fresh audience or coming up with interesting ways of delighting a client’s internal audience, we helped create the foundations of new campaigns.

Other clients looked at opportunities to make the old new again. By delivering deep dive analytics into websites and then using that data to refresh the site for a consistent customer journey, we saw how the digital property can move from being a ‘proof of existence’ website, to a potential sales channel bringing in new opportunities. With any new web refresh, we addressed the tone of voice and built new assets like event and brand videos to attract an audience and communicate the brand relaunch.

Of course we were thrilled to be able to not only attend a number of industry events but also delivered our Content Strategy Workshop to both small companies just starting out and large multinationals refreshing their country manager’s knowledge about digital marketing. A true highlight was the opportunity to discuss marketing and entrepreneurship at The AllBright in the autumn.

Below lists just a few of the projects we delivered for our clients.

Get in touch to discuss how we can assist your 2020 digital marketing needs, building a stronger foundation for a better customer journey.

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